Paling fences are not lasting the test of time one would expect of them. Our clients continue to choose Timber Paling Fences to be erected around their lovely new homes over Colorbond, chiefly on the perceived price differential. The timber available for our fences is of low quality. It is kept wet until treated under pressure with preservatives and then made immediately available to be erected around residential or industrial areas. This is a nationwide issue that all facets of timber construction experience.

We can all see these timber fences bordering new and established suburbs. They are very popular for offering privacy, and they are the go-to choice for most given their long history and popularity. However, we have found that, in a short time frame, they become twisted, warped, and discoloured. This is most disappointing for the homeowner, and for the people who build them with all due care and attention.
The obvious alternative to timber is metal in the form of Colorbond fencing panels.
The advantages are:
- Consistent form guaranteed from the manufacturer
- No warping or twisting in the heat
- No discolouring over time, though there can be some fading – easy to replace a panel
- Speedily erected with little ongoing maintenance
- Many colour options
- Does not add fuel to a bushfire
- Decorative profiles available
The Colorbond fence will last a lifetime, provided it isn’t tarnished by chemicals (see our Top 5 Tips for Maintaining your Fence) or buried in the soil.
If you’re looking to install a new fence for your home or business, or you are looking to replace an old fence, get a FREE quote and start reaping the benefits of a Colorbond fence!
M.M.Mulligan (PON)